The theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled without physical contact by the thereminist (performer). It is named after its inventor, Léon Theremin, who patented the device in 1928.


fully electronic musical instrument. With the Theremin, unlike conventional instruments, it allows musical sound to be produced without physical con- tact.

Type of film: B&W , Sound. Date: January 12, 1930. Summary: 1 Oct 2019 Invented in 1928, the theremin is an early electronic instrument that is played without even touching it. Performers use their hands and move  This invention, which changed its name to that of its creator and is known popularly as the theremin, is considered to be the world's first electronic instrument. This  A musical instrument, the Theremin, was built along with a self-sufficient guide on how to do it, to give Physics and Music teachers a tool to work interdisciplinarily. No strings, no keys… The theremin is a very unique musical instrument : not only the first electronic one in history, but also the only one that is being played  22 Aug 2015 A thereminist and his theremin – an almost century-old musical instrument, a box with two antennas.

Theremin instrument

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The Theremin produces a tone that changes in pitch and dynamic level when the player moves his hands near its antenna and loop. Moog Theremini Theremin. 4.5 out of 5 stars. 238. Electronics.

The theremin was the product of Soviet government-sponsored research into proximity sensors. The instrument was invented by a young Russian physicist named Lev Sergeyevich Termen (known in the West as Leon Theremin) in October 1920 after the outbreak of the Russian Civil War.

Thereminen är ett instrument som spelas i luften  Virtuoso Pamelia Kurstin performs and discusses her theremin, the not-just-for-sci-fi electronic instrument that is played without being touched. Songs include  Serien använder sig av theremin för ett kusligt ljud i signaturmelodin.

Theremin instrument

4 Jan 2016 Lev Termen, an inventor of Termenvox, and electromusical instrument. Peter Theremin plays theremin at Russian-Japanese concert in 

Theremin instrument

Theremin heter uppfinningen, och det visar sig faktiskt vara ett av de äldsta elektroniska instrumenten i historien. Thereminen spelas utan att fysiskt röra något, två antenner fastsatta på instrumentet avger elektromagnetiska fält och genom att avbryta eller störa dessa fält kan den som spelar påverka tonhöjd och volym. 2020-12-13 · A theremin is a musical instrument played without touching it. To create sound with a theremin, electromagnetic fields are generated by antennae and manipulated by hand. The instrument is better known for its use as a special effect in science fiction movies than for music, though the inventor toured the US playing classical pieces on this ethereal-sounding creation. Een theremin is een elektronisch muziekinstrument dat bespeeld wordt door de afstand tussen de handen en twee antennes te variëren. De speler raakt het instrument niet aan.

Glow in the Dark The Physics of the Weird and Wonderful Theremin Musical Instrument. The Physics of  You can play and modulate the sound by moving your hand through the air - just like the legendary Theremin instrument. GyroSynth makes use of the gyroscope  Dorit Chrysler: The theremin was one of the first electronic instruments, invented by Léon Theremin in Russia in 1919. It is the only instrument you  Idag kallas instrumentet för ”theremin” och spelas fortfarande som konstmusik.
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It consists of a box with radio tubes producing oscillations at two sound-wave frequencies above the range of hearing; together, they produce a lower audible frequency equal to Se hela listan på Se hela listan på Instead, Theremin came up with a musical instrument: his namesake, the theremin. He demonstrated his creation to Russian leader Vladimir Lenin, who was said to have "adored" the new instrument [source: Beckerman].

2020-11-11 Theremin, electronic musical instrument invented in 1920 in the Soviet Union by Leon Theremin (also called Lev Termen). It consists of a box with radio tubes producing oscillations at two sound-wave frequencies above the range of hearing; together, they produce a lower audible frequency equal to Together with the laser harp, the theremin is one of the only instruments played without physical contact. It's also the first fully electronic instrument still in use today, having been developed around 1920 and preceded only by the telharmonium.
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This invention, which changed its name to that of its creator and is known popularly as the theremin, is considered to be the world's first electronic instrument. This 

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